In Earnest.
The trio of Southend- On- Sea has done it again. Bringing you not one but 2 singles to kick off your 2021. The trio has been separated throughout the pandemic, however, that hasn't stopped them from blessing our ears this March.
Double singles ‘Your Dog/ Good Boy’ available on 12th March 2021 is sure to hit you in the feels. Written about songwriters, Sarah and Tom’s dogs, Murph and Doug. Showcasing their love for their pets ( aka family) through music. Now, I may not have any pets (we’ll discuss that later) but after listening to ‘Your Dog/ Good Boy’ I really wish I had a furry animal to love.
‘Your Dog’ spotlights Murph and the questions the pair would love to ask. Wouldn’t we all? This track really does melt your heart with simplistic lyrics and stunning guitar riffs.
‘Would you just follow the sun/ When you find your freedom’
Moving away from the divine guitar-focused sound of 2020 single ‘29’, ‘Your Dog/Good Boy’ is the definition of soft-focus harmonies. Keeping in tune with In Earnest airy folk sound, these latest singles bring forth a lighter tone.
‘And suddenly we are running, feeling something’
With Sarah and Tom’s double vocals mixed with Toby’s glorious violin, ‘Your Dog/ Good Boy’ makes you appreciate those around you. ‘Good Boy’ tells the story of missing your dog after they have passed. Although, there is also the relief of knowing they are no longer in pain which can be translated to any loved one.

This double single has been stripped back to the bone, written and recorded on the living floor before being sent over to multi-instrumentalist Toby to add his magic (harmonies and violin). The DIY elements to these tracks allow us to focus on the meaning of the music.
Now, even with the recent announcements of lockdown coming to an end, In Earnest have released no news to play gigs. However, the band are performing virtual events to give us our fix! Including our fundraising event Mind in Lockdown on the 27th of February!
Be sure to pre-save 'Your Dog/ Good Boy' using In Earnest linktree!!