Oh wow have I missed this. After a year of barely touching a laptop other than to work or to watch The Kardashians, it feels good to turn on the machine for something exciting...NEW MUSIC
This week we are talking about a fan favourite here at MusicStyleUndecided, Conflict Hope. Unlike myself, Conflict Hope have been busy. And I mean busy. Gigs, releases, and even introducing a new voice, the small town alt-rock musicians are dying to get their name out there.
Back in 2021, I had the absolute honour of reviewing their debut single 'Calm Before The Storm' (and you should totally check it out here New Music Tuesday: Part 5 ). Now, 2 years on and they have something truly incredible for us to enjoy.
On July 14th, Conflict Hope released their brand new single "Echo" and it is an emotional rollercoaster. Have the tissues at the ready.

The song was incredibly inspired by a conversation the band had with a fan about being bullied this song is emotional and takes your attention to where you hurt the most. Whether you are dealing with something similar or find yourself to be your own worst enemy, "Echo" is sure to have you balling your eyes out at 3am.
Conflict Hope recently acquired the passionate vocals of TikTok superstar, Mollie Stevenson. While the band were already awesome, Stevenson brings something powerful with her captivating vocals.
The song begins with an quick guitar riff, preparing you for emotional battle, before drums and vocals bring everything home. There is no waiting about to hear everything Conflict Hope have to offer.
Now, while "Echo" may not be talking about the most lifting of topics, Conflict Hope use their magical music powers to keep things zesty and you have find yourself headbanging at one point or another.
"Echo" is readily available for streaming now and I highly suggest you add it to your "sad girl playlist". Nothing beats screaming out some epic vocals and performing an air guitar when driving around late at night.